Tuesday, February 10, 2009

raddish sauthei

ilove veggies

500 g raddish (peeled/thinly sliced)
200 g ground pork
3-4 pcs tomatoes (sliced)
2 tbsp fish paste or fish sauce
1/2 cup water
some pork cracklings (optional)


in a heated pan, saute garlic, onions and fish paste for a minute.. also the tomatoes, add a little amount of water to avoid it from drying ( make sure that the fish paste is cook first before adding tomatoes coz uncook fish paste in dishes doesnt taste quite good) .. stir with the veggies and simmer for 3-5 minutes or till the veggies are well done but not overcook.. just add the cracklings on top.. adjust seasonings according to your likings.. (i dint put salt anymore coz fish paste and crackling are salty)..

best with fried fish or any fried dishes..

crab in misua N patola


700 g crab
2 packs misua
2 pcs patola (thinly sliced)
1 med onion (sliced)
2 cloves garlic
1tbsp oil
4-5 cups water
salt and pepper


heat pan, saute garlic and onions in a tablespoon oil.. add water or broth and bring to a boil.. drop the crabs and simmer for 3-5minutes.. add the patola and misua noodle and simmer for another minute or two.. season with salt and pepper.. do not overcook..
serve hot..